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The case of Mrs. Mendez Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

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The case of Mrs. Mendez - Essay ExampleMendez’s case. Her physical condition is deteriorating, which affects her psychologically. Her children will not let her talk about her impending death, which creates an imbalance in her psychological condition and she copes with this by withdrawing. Drake (2012) presents an adaptation model to understand how cancer patients should be taken care of as they are going through the process of living and dying. Some of the things that would be important to know, according to this scale include in this model are: why her shortness of breath is affecting her intake of fluids and food. Her physical appearance may be important to her as she lays in her bed, is better, which can effect QOL for many patients. There is no mention of church for her, though she “seems� to be religious, or at least superstitious. This should be explored. Drake (2012) states that nurses must understand early whether their patients are feeling depressed and help them receive treatment for it. Palliative care will need to be discussed and end of life arrangements. 1.